Use of unconventional plant raw material in poultry meat recipe

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Aleksandr Lukin
Natalia Naumova
Julia Betz


The results of studying the combined use of freeze-dried ground apples (in an amount of 7%) and Brazil nut kernels (in an amount of 5 %) in the technology of baked poultry products are presented. The modification of the recipe made it possible to obtain stuffed meat products with improved consumer properties (apple and nut notes in the smell, slight sourish-sweetish tone in the taste, caramel shades in the color) and increased nutritional value (content of dietary fiber, mineral elements Mo, Au, Cu, B, Mn, W, Be, Sn, Fe, Ca, Mg, P, organic acids, protein) alongside a decrease in the amount of butter by 4%.


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Hogyan kell idézni
Lukin, A., Naumova, N., & Betz, J. (2021). Use of unconventional plant raw material in poultry meat recipe. Élelmiszervizsgálati Közlemények, 67(3), 3591–3597.
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