News of the MTA Working Committee of Food Analysis and Classification Short summaries of the presentations of 2nd quarter of 2022 Analysis and classification of carbohydrates.

Main Article Content

Tömösközi Sándor
Bugyi Zsuzsanna


  • Characterization of fiber and small molecule carbohydrate composition of cereals opportunities and challenges from the perspective of separation techniques
    Eszter Schall, Marietta Klaudia Juhászné Szentmiklóssy, Sándor Tömösközi

  • Recent applications and possibilities of VIS, NIR and MIR spectroscopy in carbohydrate analysis
    János Slezsák, András Salgó, Szilveszter Gergely

  • Identification of the role of carbohydrates in the development of techno-functional and organoleptic properties of cereal-based food matrices
    Renáta Németh, Edina Jaksics, Alexandra Farkas, Dávid Fekete, Sándor Tömösközi


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Hogyan kell idézni
Tömösközi, S., & Bugyi, Z. (2022). News of the MTA Working Committee of Food Analysis and Classification: Short summaries of the presentations of 2nd quarter of 2022 Analysis and classification of carbohydrates. Élelmiszervizsgálati Közlemények, 68(2), 3949–3951. Elérés forrás
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